LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

Energy use & mix

Most of our heating requirements are currently met by non-renewable sources. Across our production sites in Lithuania, Ukraine, Romania, and Belarus, natural gas and LPG are used for heating purposes. However, in Belvit, Belarus biomass is used, in Silale, Lithuania, electrical heating pumps have been installed for production heating, while in Kedainiai, Lithuania, an electrical heating pump serves as an alternative to gas. No heating is utilized at our production sites in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam and Saltillo, Mexico. Company vehicles, which facilitate employee commuting and inter-site transportation, primarily uses fuels from non-renewable sources. Adhering to our car policy, one hybrid car was included in the fleet in 2023. Electricity comes both from non-renewable sources and renewable sources. We have solar panels on the roof, covering approximately 10 % of the total electricity usage of our main production site in Kedainiai, Lithuania. Additionally, we acquire renewable electricity covered by guarantees of origin for approximately 55 % of the total electricity usage of our main production site in Kedainiai. Totalling 65 % renewable energy at our Furniture main production site in Kedainiai in 2023. Overall, we see a 13 % reduction in energy use, which is expected due to the reduced production compared to 2022. The use of non-renewable energy is reduced with 21 %, while the use of renewable energy has increased with 49 % resulting in improvement of the share of renewable sources from 5 % in 2022 to 11 % in 2023. LTP Group has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement with Green Genius supplying renewable electricity for our main production site in Kedainiai, Lithuania. The solar park became operational in February 2024.

5.1 % Share of renewable sources in total energy consumption

Energy consumption & mix 2022

5.1 %

Total energy consumption 8,729 MWh

94.9 %

94.9 % Share of non-renewable sources in total energy consumption

11.3 % Share of renewable sources in total energy consumption

Energy consumption & mix 2023

11.3 %

Total energy consumption 7,715 MWh

LTP Furniture commissioning part of a new 20,000 m2 solar park near Radviliškis, Lithuania

88.7 %

88.7 % Share of non-renewable sources in total energy consumption


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