LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

GHG Emissions

Fact box regarding GHG emissions

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) leaves no doubt about the link between the emission of greenhouse gasses and climate change, and it underlines the urgency of immediate action to keep temperature rises below 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid serious negative repercussions for life on Earth.

So where does LTP Group’s greenhouse gas emissions come from?

Scope 1 are direct GHG emissions occurring from fuels used for company cars or at production sites owned or controlled by LTP Group.

Scope 2 are indirect GHG emissions caused by the energy purchased, such as electricity and district heating.

Scope 3 are indirect GHG emissions – not included in Scope 2 – that occur in our value chain, including both upstream and downstream emissions.

Manufacturer of Furniture & Garments

Brand / Design Company

Processing of raw materials

Raw Materials

Shops / Customers

Waste Management


Scope 3

Scope 1 + 2

Scope 3


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