LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

Lost Time Injury Frequency

We monitor the health and safety of our employees through data points for fatalities, accidents with lost time, lost days and the Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF); the number of accidents with lost time per million workhours. We see a reduction from 10 accidents with lost time in 2022 to 5 accidents with lost time in 2023, which results in a lower LTIF. The number of lost days has increased 138 lost days in 2023 compared to 108 lost days in 2022, indicating more severe accidents in 2023.

Below you find an overview of the accidents with lost time in 2023. All accidents are investigated and mitigation and preventive actions are set forth.

Number of accidents


Car accident; three employees were in a car accident and got head and body injuries


2025 Target

Needle accident; during repair employee got finger stuck with needle



LTIF below 1.0

Cut; to avoid falling an employee cut hand on tape holder


Fall; one employee fell walking down the stairs, another employee fell over a doorstep





We have found that we have differences in registering accidents at our production sites. We are therefore committed to eliminate those production site differences and to overall improve attention to health & safety training for all employees during 2024.



Lost Time Injury Frequency is the number of fatalities and accidents with lost time per million hours worked


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