LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

Governance - responsible business conduct

LTP Group has production sites in Lithuania, Belarus, Romania, Vietnam, Ukraine and Mexico. We are inherent in risk with regards to human rights, corruption, and bribery, as our business involves engagement with many local suppliers and business partners, in countries considered to be high-risk, from a compliance, labor- & human rights perspective. We address this risk by training own employees in our Code of Conduct, by having suppliers and production partners signing our Code of Conduct, meanwhile we conduct due diligence towards suppliers and production partners. LTP Group’s Code of Conduct guides our behavior and sets the minimum standards for ethical behavior, including human & labor rights.

Compliance program

LTP Furniture, Lithuania

Our compliance program contains our Code of Conduct, our global whistle blower hotline along with global policies and guidelines. You can find an overview of all publicly available policies at

To ensure that all employees are familiar with and understand the policies and guidelines we continuously develop our implementation and training measures. Globally we make use of “Read & understood”, face-to- face training and webinar training to ensure implementation and knowledge building.

Compliance committee: CFO Global Sustainability & Compliance Director

The compliance program is governed by the compliance committee headed by our CFO, and the committee reports to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.


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