LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

Sustainability at a glance - Global overview

2022 data

2023 data

MATERIALS LS -Durability & Circularity ALS




-Fight for Climate

-Care for People

-Responsible Business Conduct

Gender diversity management 78.3 % 78.0 %

Whistle blower hotline Training material in development

Total renewable energy share 5.1 % 11.3 % Target 2030: To be defined in 2024

FSC wood (Furniture, LT) 19 % 41 % Target 2025: 50 %

to be rolled out in 2024 100 % employees trained

Scope 1 621 tCO2e

Reports 5 5 Target 2025: 3-5 reports

FSC cardboard (Furniture, LT) 60 % 85 % Target 2025: 90 %

Turnover white collar 5.5 % 10.4 % Target 2025: less than 10 %

521 tCO2e Target 2030: To be defined in 2024 Scope 2 market based 2,115 tCO2e 1,488 tCO2e Target 2030: 0 CO2e Waste recycling 25 % 21 % Target 2025: 30 %

Supplier management Revised and ready for global implementation 2024 Target 2025: 90 % direct suppliers have signed CoC and compliance declaration Business partner management Revised and ready for global implementation 2024 Target 2025: 100 % business partners have signed revised CoC

Turnover blue collar 29.7 % 28.3 % Target 2025: less than 20 %

Design for disassembly (Furniture, LT) 5 5 Target 2025: 10 Plastic bags with recycled content (Garment, global) 52 % 44 % Target 2025: 70 %

Lost Time Injury Frequency 1.9 1.1 Target 2025: less than 1

Water management 17,840 m3 Target 2030: 12,000 m3

19,007 m3


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