LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

Sustainability data collection

Accounting practices

Reporting standards This report complies with the Danish Financial Statements Act §99a.

Reporting period Our reporting period covers our financial year running from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

Controls A Sustainability Reporting Manual has been developed in 2023, and constitutes a fundamental element of our annual reporting cycle. It describes the calculations, processes, and responsibilities for annual sustainability reporting. There is a two-tier control mechanism requirement, so that all data is controlled and quality accessed by the principle of the four eyes. Significant developments +/-5 % must be explained. Reporting scope Generally the scope of reporting covers Copenhagen office, warehouse and all production sites either owned or controlled by LTP Group. Production in Orlit and Belvit, Belarus, has ceased in September 2023 and are included in the period with production. The scope for energy consumption and associated emissions covers our production sites and warehouse owned or controlled by LTP Group, and all company cars owned by LTP Group. Consumption and associated emissions from production sites and warehouse are based on actual consumption or purchase. Consumption and associated emissions from Copenhagen office are based on previous year allocated consumption due to unavailability of more recent data.

The scope for water management covers our production sites and warehouse owned or controlled by LTP Group. Consumption are based on invoices. Water consumption from our production site in Silale, Lithuania is estimated, as no meter is installed at the production site.

The scope for waste management covers our production sites and warehouse owned or controlled by LTP Group. Waste generation are based on invoices and in Lithuania the waste registration portal GPAIS. Waste generated at the Copenhagen office is not included due to unavailability of data.

The scope for “Materials, durability & circularity” indicators is defined as part of the indicator descriptions. The scope for social indicators include all employees with a LTP Group contract.


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