LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

Sustainability data collection

Accounting practices The living wage is found by taking the average of the six groups expenses, and dividing the average expenses by two, as both adults contribute equally. The survey in 2021/22 assumed that that families had 1,8 adults working, but LTP Group characteristics of own employees for 2023 shows only 1 % in LTP Group is working part time. Living wages from 2021/22 have not been restated as the change is immaterial (below 5 %).

The minimum wage and the living wage are presented as net wages. Generally, all employees have individual tax percentages, local common taxation rules are applied to calculate the net minimum wage.

To avoid monthly differences in salary pay out due to illness or holidays, the net wages have been recalculated to correspond a full month. Overtime has been excluded from the wage calculation, and pension and similar social security compensation, that are not paid out, are not included in the wage calculations.

Employees on parental leave and employees on long-term sick leave are excluded from the analysis when parental leave and sick leave are not paid by LTP Group. Number of excluded employees are reported.

Fatalities is the total sum of fatalities reported.

Lost-Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is calculated as the sum of fatalities and reported number of accidents with lost time per million hours worked. A lost time injury is an accident resulting in more than 8 hours absence from work in connection with the accident. Hours worked are reported for all employees during the data period. Blue collar workers working hours are based on actual working hours. White collar workers working hours are based on contractual agreements (e.g., 37 hours/week).

Responsible business conduct indicators Whistle blower reports include both the total number of reports received by email or through the Whistleblower Hotline and those in scope for investigation as per our guidelines.


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