LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

Our Strategy

Our Four Commitments

UNLOCK TRANSPARENCY We commit to open communication and demonstrate results to all stakeholders.

Our 2025 strategy is built upon the materiality assessment conducted in 2021. Since then, both the regulatory environment and our customers' sustainability expectations have evolved significantly. In 2024, we eagerly anticipate collaborating with our stakeholders to conduct a fresh, comprehensive double materiality assessment and formulate our updated sustainability strategy. As a step towards aligning with forthcoming reporting requirements, this report has already interpreted our four sustainability commitments -"Fight for climate," "Embrace durability & circularity," "Care for people," and "Unlock Transparency" - in terms of Environmental (E), Social (S), and Governance (G) considerations.

CARE FOR PEOPLE It is essential for LTP Group to provide opportunities for our employees to develop their skills and continuously contribute to improve working, social and living conditions. We are committed to a healthy and safe work environment in all factories. We also commit to involve business partners to meet high environmental and social industry standards. FIGHT FOR CLIMATE Given the urgency of the climate crisis we will invest in renewable energy. We are committed to disclose our scope 1 and 2 emissions, and are working to disclose our scope 3 emissions. As a manufacturer LTP takes the responsibility to collaborate with brands and suppliers on materials substitution, product development and innovation for design for durability and design for disassembly. We also commit to minimize production waste and optimize recycling of waste. GOVERNANCE - RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS CONDUCT LTP Group, operating in multiple high-risk countries, mitigates human rights and corruption risks by training employees, having business partners & suppliers sign a Code of Conduct, and conducting due diligence. Our ethical standards encompass respect for human rights, labor rights, and a commitment to a safe working environment, opposing all forms of violence, forced labor, child labor, and discrimination.

Open communication and demonstration of results

Unlock Transparency

Fight for Climate

Disclosure of our emissions, focus to energy, materials, durability & circularity

Governance - Responsible Business Conduct Includes human & labor rights, code of conduct and whistleblower hotline

Care for People

Focus to our valued employees, including working, social and living conditions


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