LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2022


When 'LTP Group' is mentioned, it includes the following countries:

This report has been prepared in accordance with Danish Financial Statement Act, section 99a* for statutory sustainable reporting and 99b* for statutory report of gender distribution. The report form part of the Management commentary in the Annual report. It covers the reporting period calendar year 2022 from January 1st to December 31st. Significant changes were made in the reporting this year. Topic boundaries are clearly mentioned with the name of the committed entity and the countries next to each result and target listed in the tables. Any legal entity fully controlled by LTP in the mentioned country(ies) is included in the 2022 result reporting and is subject to the set 2023 target.

LTP Furniture: Lithuania. Mexico. LTP Garment: Lithuania, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus and Vietnam. No external assurance has been conducted for this report. The carbon equivalent emissions data for scope 1 and scope 2 have been assisted by an expert consultant from Wigand Maagøe providing advisory services to LTP Group.

*) 99a: Large companies accounting class C and D must account for their social responsibility work in connection with their annual report. *) 99b: Obligation to report on the developments in the gender composition for the purpose of more transparency


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